The first edition of The Brazilian Topology Meeting (EBT) occurred in 1979 and since 1980 it has been held every two years. This high-level international event has attracted Brazilian and foreign researchers eversince, offering activities to topologists interested in fixed points, coincidences, roots, foliations, locally free group actions, characteristic classes, topology of manifolds, bordism, homotopy, singularities, braids, coverings, topological data analysis (TDA), among others at the interface of algebraic and differential topology.
Many Brazilian institutions have hosted EBT's editions and in 2024 the Math Department of the Universidade Federal de Bahia (UFBA) will gladly host the XXIII EBT. Undergraduate, master, and doctoral students, besides all level researchers are encouraged to participate in the main lectures, short talks, minicourses, and poster session. This time special sessions on General Topology will enlarge even more the variety of topologists in the meeting.
You can read about the previous editions of EBT (in Portuguese).
We also would like to annouce the 1st UESC WITTC (Winter Workshop on Topology and Set Theory of the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz). To be held on August 5-7, 2024, in Ilhéus, Bahia, this EBT Satellite Conference aims to consolidate the visibility and importance of Bahia in the national and international scenario of these areas of knowledge.
May 10th
May 10th
June 22th
Carolina de Miranda e Pereiro (UFES, Brazil)
Conchita Martínez Pérez (UNIZAR, Spain)
Daniel Vendrúscolo (UFSCar, Brazil)
John Guaschi (UNICAEN, France)
Karel Dekimpe (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Maria Amelia Salazar Pinzon (UFF, Brazil)
Thaís Fernanda Mendes Monis (Unesp, Brazil)
Washington Mio (FSU, USA)
Lúcia Renato Junqueira (USP, São Paulo SP)
Samuel Gomes da Silva (UFBA, Salvador BA)
Carolina de Miranda e Pereiro (UFES, Vitória ES)
Daniel Vendrúscolo (UFSCar, São Carlos SP)
Edivaldo Lopes dos Santos (UFSCar, São Carlos SP)
Gustavo de Lima Prado (UFU, Uberlândia MG)
Marcelo Dias Passos (UFBA, Salvador BA)
Marco Antonio de Freitas Contessoto (Unesp, Rio Claro SP)
Natalia Andrea Viana Bedoya (UFSCar, São Carlos SP)
Northon Canevari Leme Penteado (UFCA, Brejo Santo CE)
Oscar Ocampo (UFBA, Salvador BA)
Vinicius Casteluber Laass (UFBA, Salvador BA)
Weslem Liberato Silva (UESC, Ilhéus BA)
Ana Carolina de Carvalho Mançur
Danuzia Nascimento Figueirêdo
Elen Deise Assis Barbosa
Henrique Santos Neves
Janaina de Santana Santos
João Roberto Figueiredo de Almeida Mota
Lucas Costa Gonzaga de Oliveira
Marcelos Dias Passos
Paulo Cesar Santos Junior
Raquel Magalhães de Almeida Cruz
Vinicius Casteluber Laass
Agustín Moreno Cañadas (UNAL, Bogotá, Colombia)
Aldo Portela Almada (Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Alice Kimie Miwa Libardi (Unesp, Rio Claro, Brazil)
Amanda Santos Araújo (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Ana Carolina de Carvalho Mançur (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Ana Maria Mathias Morita (IFSP, Sorocaba, Brazil)
Anny Beatriz S. Azevedo (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Arcelino Lobato (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Caio Lima Silva (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Carlos Henrique Felicio Poncio (UFRB, Cruz das Almas, Brazil)
Carolina de Miranda e Pereiro (UFES, Vitória, Brazil)
Cayo Leitão Costa (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Conchita Martínez Pérez (UNIZAR, Spain)
Daciberg Lima Gonçalves (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Daniel Juan Pineda (UNAM, Mexico)
Daniel Vendrúscolo (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Danilo da Nóbrega Santos (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Danuzia Nascimento Figueirêdo (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Denise de Mattos (USP, São Calos, Brazil)
Edivaldo L. dos Santos (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Edward Landi Tonucci (UEFS, Feira de Santana, Brazil)
Edwin Soeiro Silva (UFPA, Belém, Brazil)
Elen Deise Assis Barbosa (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Ênio Carlos da Silva Leite (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Gabriel Rodrigues de Lima Vieira (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Givanildo Donizeti de Melo (UFRB, Cruz das Almas, Brazil)
Guilherme Pinto (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Guilherme Vituri (Argus Solutions, Piracicaba, Brazil)
Gustavo Cardoso (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Gustavo de Lima Prado (UFU, Uberlândia, Brazil)
Gustavo Henrique Labegalini Boska (USP, Brazil)
Gustavo Luciano de Souza (USP, Brazil)
Hana Marinho Lucena (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Henrique Santos Neves (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Igor Chagas Santos (UFS, Aracaju, Brazil)
Igor Lima (UnB, Brasília, Brazil)
Ingrid Gottardo Tosé (UFES, Vitória, Brazil)
Irene Castro Pereira (UFPA, Belém, Brazil)
Janaina de Santana Santos (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Jing Tao (OU, Norman, USA)
João Marcos Xavier de Lima (UFPA, Belém, Brazil)
João Medeiros dos Santos Neves (UFES, Vitória, Brazil)
João Roberto F. de Almeida Mota (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Jonas Deré (KU, Kortrijk, Belgium)
José Gregorio Rodrı́guez-Nieto (UNAL, Medellín, Colombia)
Juliana Theodoro (Ufal, Maceió, Brazil)
Kisnney Almeida (UEFS, Feira de Santana, Brazil)
Leandro Aurichi (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Leandro V. Mauri (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Leonardo Caio Alakija Conceição (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Liane Bordignon (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Lore De Weerdt (KU, Kortrijk, Belgium)
Lucas Costa Gonzaga de Oliveira (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Lucas H. R. de Souza (UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
Lucas N. F. Teles (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Lucia R. Junqueira (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Luiz Hartmann (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Maarten Lathouwers (KU, Kortrijk, Belgium)
Maico Ribeiro (UFES, Vitória, Brazil)
Marcel Vinhas Bertolini (UFPA, Belém, Brazil)
Marcelo Dias Passos (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Marcelo J. Saia (Unesp, Rio Claro, Brazil)
Marcelo Oliveira Dias (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Marco Antônio de Freitas Contessoto (Unesp, Rio Claro , Brazil)
Marcos Vinícius Barreto dos Santos (UFRB, Cruz das Almas, Brazil)
Mário Basílio de Matos (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Mateus Jesus (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Matheus Duzi (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Matheus Henrique Ferreira de Melo dos Santos (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Maurício Gibertoni Sia (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Michael R. Kelly (Loyola University, New Orleans, USA)
Mirele Pereira da Silva (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Natalia A. Viana Bedoya (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Nelson Antonio Silva (UFLA, São Sebastião do Paraíso, Brazil)
Northon Penteado (UFCA, Brejo Santo, Brazil)
Odete Lara Melo Budtinger (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Oscar Ocampo (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Oziride Manzoli Neto (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Paulo Cesar Cerqueira dos Santos Júnior (SEC-BA, Santo Antônio de Jesus, Brazil)
Paulo Gusmão (UFF, Niterói, Brazil)
Paulo Magalhães Júnior (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
Pedro Benedini Riul (UFSJ, São João del Rei, Brazil)
Pedro Santos Almeida Neto (UFRB, Cruz das Almas, Brazil)
Peter Wong (Bates College, Lewiston, USA)
Rafael Souza Vasconcelos (UFRB , Cruz das Almas, Brazil)
Raphaël Tinarrage (FGV, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
Raquel Magalhães de Almeida Cruz (USP, Brazil/UNICAEN, France)
Raquel Silva Lemos (USP, São Calos, Brazil)
Renan Mezabarba (UESC, Ilhéus, Brazil)
Renato dos Santos Diniz (UFRB, Amargosa, Brazil)
Rodrigo de Almeida Rosa (Unesp, São José do Rio Preto, Brazil)
Rodrigo Monteiro (UESC, Ilhéus, Brazil)
Samuel Cardoso Varjão (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Samuel G. da Silva (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Santi Spadaro (UNIPA, Palermo, Italy)
Sergio Tsuyoshi Ura (Unesp, Rio Claro, Brazil)
Telmo I. Acosta Vellozo (Udelar, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Thaís F. M. Monis (Unesp, Rio Claro, Brazil)
Thaís Maria Dalbelo (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Thomas Witdouck (KU, Kortrijk, Belgium)
Victorio Amadeo Cremasco (UFSCar, São Carlos, Brazil)
Vinicius Casteluber Laass (UFBA, Salvador, Brazil)
Vinicius Oliveira Rocha (USP, São Paulo, Brazil)
Wagner Carvalho Sgobbi (UFES, Vitória, Brazil)
Washington Mio (FSU, Tallahassee, USA)
Weslem Liberato Silva (UESC, Ilhéus, Brazil)
Here you can download the event schedule (.pdf , 128kB).
Small changes in the programming schedule may occur. We will let you know if it happens.Here for the posters (.pdf , 135kB).
Also, the Book of Abstracts is available for download (.pdf , 1,1MB).
More pictures will be released soon
You are very welcome to make submissions to the XXIII EBT.
Here you can download the Latex Template (.tex , 1.3kb) for your abstract.
If you decide to send some abstract, you should upload the Tex File in the item Registration.
The deadline for submissions is June 22th.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Salvador is the capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia and it is located on the northeast coast of Brazil on the Atlantic Ocean. It is the fifth largest city of Brazil and its fifth oldest. It was founded in 1549 to be the first capital of the country and lost this position only in 1763. Many examples of Portuguese colonial architecture and historical monuments can be seen in the Pelourinho district. The Historic Center of Salvador was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985. Due to African slavery during the colony and early independence times, Bahia has been greatly influenced by the African culture. One example of such influence is the local cuisine, notably known for the use of palm oil (azeite de dendê).
Salvador has a tropical climate including rainforests and lush vegetation. Our winter is usually related to the rainy season, but it is never cold. Portuguese is the official language in Brazil and few people speak English.
The Brazilian currency is the Real (BRL). Major credit cards are widely accepted in Brazil.
Visitors arriving in Brazil must have a valid passport. Depending on your origin/passport, you will need an entry visa. We ask that you check this issue and we are available to assist you if necessary. A valid identity card is sufficient for anyone born in the MERCOSUL area.
Salvador has an international airport (IATA: SSA, ICAO: SBSV), but it is connected by a few international flights. For example, one can arrive directly from Lisbon (Portugal), Madrid (Spain), Buenos Aires (Argentina), and Montevideo (Uruguay). These links increase seasonally. Therefore, it is always worth checking whether you can arrive in/depart from Salvador directly from/to your location. The largest Brazilian airport is São Paulo Guarulhos International Airport (IATA: GRU, ICAO: SBGR). GRU has 102 international destinations.
For domestic flights, many options leave from São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Brasília, Campinas and other major cities. These flights are operated by Brazilian Airlines: GOL, LATAM, AZUL, etc., and in most cases it will be necessary to fly to Salvador via São Paulo or the options listed here.
Brazilian highways to Salvador are usually overcrowded and sometimes badly preserved. Distances are usually very large. For instance, São Paulo is almost 2000km far from Salvador and it is a 32-hour long trip by bus. Rio de Janeiro-1630km; Belo Horizonte-1350km; Brasília-1450km. There are interstate buses to Salvador from all major cities in Brazil and prices are cheaper.
There is no train service available to Salvador.
We highly suggest the Portobello Ondina Praia Hotel for your accommodation during the event.
Our campus is very close to its location: just 21 minutes on foot! Furthermore, Ondina is a neighboorhood close to the most known tourist attractions of Salvador.
If you wish, we can book the hotel for you! If that is the case, let us know when you fill out your registration. The organizing committee will evaluate the possibility of assistance for the participants.
We recommend that you take an Uber from the airport to the hotel. In the app, write "Portobello Ondina Praia".
Please contact us if you need any further assistance. We will be happy to help you.
Departamento de Matemática, IME-UFBA
Av Milton Santos, s/n, Campus Ondina
Salvador, Bahia, 40170-110